“Bathrooms are an indication of who counts, or who matters,” says Karen Scott, who uses a wheelchair. “I frequently feel that as a disabled person when things are not accessible to me, it sends the signal all the time: ‘you don’t matter.’” [Photo © …

“Bathrooms are an indication of who counts, or who matters,” says Karen Scott, who uses a wheelchair. “I frequently feel that as a disabled person when things are not accessible to me, it sends the signal all the time: ‘you don’t matter.’” [Photo © Olivia Robinson]

Cory Thompson and his a three-legged Australian Shepherd mix Kyla sit outside his tiny home in Carcross, Yukon. [Photo © Raisa Patel]

Cory Thompson and his a three-legged Australian Shepherd mix Kyla sit outside his tiny home in Carcross, Yukon. [Photo © Raisa Patel]

On 4-20, a day when hundreds of cannabis enthusiasts and activists gather on Parliament Hill, media traditionally head to the Hill to interview those gathered and write stories, or produce broadcasts, that provide a brief snapshot of what went on. We did things a bit differently this year.

500 acres donated to land trust (Minden Times) | June 7, 2018

Longtime Haliburton resident Leopoldina Dobrzensky reads a statement that she and Margaret Dobrzensky have donated 500 acres to the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust through the Federal Ecological Gifts Program. The announcement was made at the HHLT's…

Longtime Haliburton resident Leopoldina Dobrzensky reads a statement that she and Margaret Dobrzensky have donated 500 acres to the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust through the Federal Ecological Gifts Program. The announcement was made at the HHLT's June 2 AGM. The area will be known as Barnham Creek Nature Reserve. [Photo © Olivia Robinson]